Ride Dammit! Ride Log


Ride Dammit! is a web-based bicycle ride log which is designed to be simple and easy to use. It provides basic functionality for a small group of riders including tracking of maximum/average type information for different terrains and locations. It also contains distance achievement measurements, everything from "Your first mile", to "You've ridden arond the world."

Project goals are:
  1. Very simple, intuitive user interface. Easy for anyone to enter in data
  2. Statistics for a group of casual riders. This system is not inteded to be a training system such as those commercially available on the web, but rather a fun way for a small group of riders to share their riding logs.
  3. Ability to track rides based on rider, location, bicycle, and terrain as well as collect weather information and a ride description, which may include photos.
  4. Generic enough sub-system that other activities can be handled. A "Swim Dammit!" version is now available and a "By Foot" version should be forthcoming for handling swimming, running, and walking logs.
Ride Dammit! uses PHP/MySQL and is delivered entirely over the web.  Ride Dammit! uses the GNU Public License.


  • 5/2/04 - v1.0 rc1 is ready
  • 3/10/04 - Moving source control to Subversion hosted at berliOS.de.
  • 3/7/04 - Much development work has gone into play recently to enable the system to be used generically for other activities, the first of which is swimming. Also added a new feature for comparing your total distance to various achievements, like biking across the USA.
  • 12/12/03 - Oh, if I had more time, I'd come up with a groovy news item every month for you. As it is, just download it and try it out.

Screen Shots and Sample Site

Click on the thumbnails for larger images.

Main Screen - Recent Rides   Main Screen - Summary Table   Add Ride Page

Northern Neck Cycling uses Ride Dammit! v0.1 to keep track of their rides.

I am looking for other sites using the RD system which wouldn't mind being a sample site. Contact me if you are willing to have a link added from here.


Sufficient time to make really snazzy, easy to use installation scripts is, well, scarce, but if you have even mild familiarity with PHP and MySQL, you should be able to get it up and running. If you want to use this project and have troubles, drop me a line at the address above and I'd be happy to help you.

To run Ride Dammit! v1.0, you need to do the following:
  1. Create a MySQL database and a user which has access to it.
  2. Create the initial SQL tables from the .sql file. If you were creating the database named "rideDB" on the local computer with the username "fred":
    msyql -u fred -p rideDB <RDcreateTables.sql
  3. Put the files under htdoc into a published directory on your web server. For added security, you can optionally move the RD subdirectory to a PHP include location.
  4. Edit RD/config/RDbootstrap.php and enter in the appropriate database connection information and base URL for your ride log.

To UPGRADE from 0.1, you need to do the following:
  1. Take the old site offline temporarily by simply moving the old files. The new code moves things around some, so don't try to install over top of an existing installation. Don't worry, you're data will be preserved.
  2. Make a backup of your database
  3. Update your database. I've included a script which should upgrade your old database to the new format. Use the .sql file "RDupdate0.5to1.0.sql".
  4. Put the files under htdoc into a published directory on your web server. For added security, you can optionally move the RD subdirectory to a PHP include location.
  5. Edit the RD/config/RDbootstrap.php file and make the necessary changes. Do not try to reuse your old one, there are new options in there.

Author/Bugs/More Info

This project is maintained by Nathan P Sharp. Comments, suggestions and bugs should probably go through sourceforge at:


But may additionally be sent to nsharp@users.sourceforge.net

A Silly Picture of a Cat

Page Contents Copyright (c) 2004 Nathan P Sharp